Headless Horseman 10K
Location Howell MI Start Time 10/24/2015 7:30:29 PM
Category 10K
Distance 6.06 miles Ascend 202 feet Descend -202 feet
Total Time 01:02:32 Moving 01:02:02 Stopped 00:00:30
Average Pace 00:10:18 min/mi Fastest Pace 00:08:21 min/mi Slowest Pace 00:16:36 min/mi
Calories 849 Average HR 157 BPM Max HR 173 BPM
Weather 60 °F Unspecified Min./Max.: 59.1 °F/60.3 °F; Pressure: 1007.3 mbar; Humidity: 85.1%; Dew point: 54.9 °F; Wind Speed: 5.8 mph; Precipitation: 0.0mm
Equipment Garmin - 910XT
Omron - HJ-729ITC
Garmin - Garmin Foot Pod - New
Asics - Gel Nimbus 16 PR1
Super Feet - Green - Pair 6
Garmin - Garmin Heart Rate Monitor
Duracell - CR2032 #3
Duracell - CR2032 #5
Notes 2015 Headless Horseman 10K. An evening run (started at 7:30 pm) in Howell Michigan. Two loops through the cemetary. Cool, rain before and after but not during the race. First in age group. Only 80+ in the 10K.
Distance (mi) Total Time Split Time Split Pace Split Speed Elevation Change (ft)
1.00 00:10:07 00:10:07 00:10:07 5.9 -20.16
2.00 00:20:23 00:10:16 00:10:17 5.8 6.25
3.00 00:30:49 00:10:26 00:10:26 5.7 14.78
4.00 00:40:43 00:09:53 00:09:54 6.1 -21.32
5.00 00:51:29 00:10:46 00:10:46 5.6 8.30
6.00 01:01:58 00:10:29 00:10:29 5.7 12.36
6.06 01:02:32 00:00:33 00:08:33 7.0 -0.19